Our Initiatives

Café To Compost

Lets untrash and sort our waste stash! Our Café uses only compostable take-away items, which visitors can easily sort on-site along with other organics. We then send it to compost, not landfill!

responsible waste management

Café To Compost

Every year our Café saves thousands of kilos of organic waste from landfill, by diverting it to commercial composting. Our Café is also dedicated to staying single-use plastic free, so we only use compostable coffee cups, take-away boxes, straws, cutlery and other disposable items. Cafes can make a lot of waste, so by simply sorting and diverting the good greens, we can greatly reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas methane AND produce a valuable natural resource; garden compost! Learn how to lend us a fin and untrash your café stash next time you're at AQWA!


Untrash Your Stash

We’re asking our visitor community and members to un-trash with us, and use the clearly labelled green-lid compost bins to dispose of their food scraps and compostable items. You’ll also find our handy white-lid Containers For Change bins nearby for any recyclable drink containers. As your last resort, there is a red-lid general waste bin for landfill items.

Ca-ching your coffee

To encourage everyone to untrash with us, we offer a lower price on your coffee order if you choose dine-in over a take-away coffee cup (even though it’s compostable). Better still, bring your own reusable keep-cup and you’ll score your brew for even less!


WRITE Solutions

We’ve teamed up with local waste management experts WRITE Solutions to help make it easier than ever for our staff and customers to sort on-site and send our organics to commercial composting. These guys divert hundreds of tonnes of food waste and compostable items from landfill every year.

Did you know that organic waste in landfill degrades anaerobically, producing an abundance of the greenhouse gas methane? But the commercial aerobic composting process used by WRITE Solutions allows for oxygenated decomposition, which avoids the production of methane AND creates a nutrient rich product… garden compost!

Adding compost to soil efficiently returns nutrients back to the environment, which are removed farming and during food production. It also greatly improved soil quality and water retention.

Proud Partners

What We’re Doing

Our initiatives

Seagrass Sanctuaries

Do flowers grow underwater? One does... seagrass! Seagrass is the ocean's only flowing plant and its answer to land's grasslands and meadows, acting as safe haven for fry and baby animals.

The Coral Bank Of Western Australia

By building a cache of genetic material, we’re creating an insurance policy for WA’s corals.

Bring 3 for the Sea

Bring 3 for the sea and donate it to our charity! AQWA Foundation is fundraising with Containers For Change to both reduce plastic in the sea AND support our conservation initiatives.

Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release

The AQWA Foundation provides essential care for sick and injured marine life, with an emphasis on the rehabilitation of sea turtles for release back to the wild.